Brillouin Data Post Processing Freewares
The native measurement data retrieved by Brillouin interrogator equipment is the Brillouin peak frequency shift versus fibre length distribution. In most cases such frequency distribution must be translated into a temperature or strain distribution that is the final desired outputs. This requires subtracting point-by-point the initial reference measurement (“baseline”) from the one of interest and, when needed, separating the change of frequency due to the pure mechanical deformation to that due to the temperature change.
The simple built-in data post-processing that is available on commercial interrogator equipment in many cases this is not enough for analysing the mechanical deformation behaviour of complicated structures.
For this reason the PULSe project makes available free Brillouin data post-processor software tools that are specifically conceived for analysing and visualising the Brillouin data.
The post-processor freeware is available both as a command-line executable file and as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application.
Free download the command-line post-processor software tool
Free download the notes on post processor software operation and usage
Take the survey and download PULSeView free GUI-based post processor application
Example usage video for PULSeView GUI-based Brillouin data post processor application