Our Mission
The prime objective of EU-supported service of distributedsensing.net is to provide free-access application-support resources related to Brillouin Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing (D-FOS) to research institutes, SMEs and larger companies.
Brillouin Distributed Optical Fibre Sensing (Brillouin D-FOS) is a powerful lightwave technology for measuring and mapping temperatures, deformations and pressures in thousands of industrial, civil and environmental applications. Brillouin D-FOS requires a sensing fibre cable to be installed along the asset to be monitored and an interrogator equipment to create a “virtual sensor” that is swept along the cable and measures the temperature, strain or pressure individually at any point of it.
Brillouin Sensing is an ideal technology for long-range & distributed sensing as it simultaneously takes individual measurements at different locations using inexpensive fibers. It is also an ubiquitous solution because of its intrinsic safety avoiding sparks in explosion or fire sensitive areas, its immunity to high-voltage and interferences, resistance to moisture and corrosion and its bio-compatibility.
The opportunity is amplified by framework conditions (i.e. environmental regulations) and by technical issues (i.e. hydrogen darkening and high-temperature fading) for Raman and FBG substitutive technologies.
Fibers & Cables
Brillouin scattering derives from the interaction between light and acoustic waves that are generated by the same light. Due to the electrostriction in the fibre, the electrical field of the lightwave induces periodic longitudinal changes of the core refractive index that also move along the fibre as acoustic waves and interact with a small fraction of generating lightwave by Doppler-shifting its wavelength.
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Brillouin scattering is the physical effect used for sensing temperature and deformation.
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for Fiberoptic Sensing